Zeeve now supports REStaking for Coreum Blockchain
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Zeeve and REStaking for Coreum Blockchain

It enables specified Coreum validators or wallets to send pre-authorized transactions on behalf of users with no other access to your wallet

Zeeve is proud to announce that it now supports the REStaking feature on the Coreum blockchain. Leveraging the Authz functionality within Cosmos blockchains, REStake revolutionizes the delegation process for validators and wallets, allowing pre-authorized transactions to be sent on behalf of users.

Authz is a new feature for Tendermint chains that lets you grant permission to another wallet to carry out certain transactions for you. These transactions are sent by the grantee on behalf of the granter, meaning the validator will send and pay for the TX, but actions will affect your wallet (such as claiming rewards). REStake specifically lets you grant the validator permission to send Delegate transactions for their validator only. The validator cannot send any other transaction types and has no other access to your wallet. 

A brief of REStake feature:

1. Authorization: By enabling REStake, users authorize a specific validator to send Delegate messages using their own validator address. This authorization is limited to the specified validator and does not allow delegation to other validators.

2. Authorization Expiry: The authorization granted through REStake has an automatic expiry period of one year. After this period, the authorization needs to be renewed. Users have the flexibility to revoke the authorization at any time if needed.

3. Token Delegation Limit: Users can limit the total number of tokens the validator can delegate on their behalf. This provides additional control over the delegation process.

4. Expiry Date Adjustment: Users can also adjust the expiry date of the authorization if they want it to expire earlier or extend it beyond the default one-year period.

Zeeve’s integration of the REStaking feature is available on the Coreum Validator Node, offering users a simple and convenient way to enable token delegation. 

Steps to enable REStaking on your existing Coreum Validator Nodes:

Enabling REStaking on existing Coreum Validator Nodes is a straightforward process. To enable REStake, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Zeeve Product platform and navigate the “Manage Coreum Validator Node” section.
  2. Locate the “Action” tab and find the option to enable REStake.
  3. By enabling REStake, a hot wallet will be automatically created. This wallet will handle the transaction costs associated with the REStake process.
  4. To utilize the hot wallet for REStake, you must deposit the minimum required amount. Note that this wallet serves no other purpose apart from facilitating REStake.
  5. Once enabled, the hot wallet will be granted authorization (authz) to restake the rewarded tokens on behalf of the Validator Node, ensuring a seamless delegation process for the Delegators.

Zeeve’s support for the REStaking feature represents our commitment to staying at the forefront of new developments happening everyday within the blockchain space, ensuring our users have the most advanced and secure validator infrastructure in place. 

More information on Coreum Validator & Cosmos Validator Nodes deployment

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