Optimistic Rollups

OP STack-logo
Launch your Rollup on Ethereum instantly with the Zeeve Platform

Build and Deploy your fully-managed OP Stack based custom Blockchain with plug and play dev tools and Zeeve infrastructure platform

“We are excited that Zeeve has extended RaaS support to the Superchain. The OP Stack is fast becoming a codebase of choice for web3 builders, and this collaboration will help reach and onboard new developers and make building within Optimism’s Superchain ecosystem even more accessible.”

Tess Rinearson
Tess Rinearson

Head of Emerging Products at OP Labs

“We are pleased to have Zeeve as a partner, and we are excited for the world to discover the power of our platform, and to experience social and sports in a new way with our new PandaFantasy.net stock market for sports.”
Steve van Zutphen
Steve van Zutphen

PandaSea founder

“With Zeeve’s robust tools and support, our L2 Chain deployment ensures seamless operations, compliance, and security, propelling $BNRY’s utility to new heights,” said Manit Parikh, CEO at The Binary Holdings
Manit Parikh, CEO at The Binary Holdings
Manit Parikh

CEO at The Binary Holdings

Launching your Optimistic Rollups was
never this Easy

Zeeve helps you launch your OP Stack based Rollup on Ethereum using the most reliable and secure Blockchain infrastructure platform. From custom configurations to infrastructure management, Zeeve handles all for you so that you can focus on building your business.

Your Own

Build a highly customized Rollup specific to your requirements - Zeeve has experts with tons of experience with Optimistic Rollups

Maintain and

Zeeve helps you manage the Blockchain infrastructure of your OP Rollup with 24x7 proactive monitoring and Enterprise SLA

Secure &

Get the most secure and scalable infrastructure, guaranteed by Zeeve's platform, which complies with ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type 2, and GDPR .


Plug and Play tools to launch
a Production-Ready Rollup

Zeeve provides not just node infrastructure for your optimistic Rollup. We take care of the entire
set of components and integrations to launch your application-specific Blockchain
Zeeve Group

Configurations and

Zeeve provides a configuration dashboard to build and deploy a fully managed enterprise-grade Rollup customized to your application needs.


Elastic APIs and Node

Zeeve deploys an enterprise-grade Rollup infrastructure with load-balancing, super-fast RPC APIs, and security best practices for scalability and performance.


White-labeled Explorer
and Faucet

Zeeve provides an integrated Block Explorer, enabled with a powerful data indexing protocol for Optimistic Rollups and a secure Faucet for the testnet tokens.


Data Indexing Protocol

Get a ready-to-use scalable indexing protocol to access your Rollups’ ledger and smart contract data effortlessly with our integrated support for subgraphs and subquery projects.


Interoperability and

Enable seamless interoperability on your Rollup with other Rollups and chains by leveraging Zeeve’s integration with various cross-chain bridges, tools and plugins.

Layer 1

Distributed Deployment

Ensure Data Compliance, Low Latency, and Optimal Performance with Zeeve’s Multi-Cloud Deployments across 9 cloud providers and 150+ Regions.

Layer 1

Migration Support

Harness the expertise and experience of Zeeve’s Blockchain and DevOps engineers for a hassle-free migration from existing infrastructure to your own Rollup on Ethereum.

Zeeve Group

24x7 Proactive Monitoring

Zeeve provides Analytics and Monitoring Dashboard with 24×7 proactive monitoring for your deployed nodes and networks to ensure high availability and performance.

Empowering a scalable web3 ecosystem with a reliable and secure Blockchain Infrastructure management.

Enterprises and web3 native startups choose Zeeve for Reliability and Security.

Zeeve delivers security best practices, scalable architecture, and 24/7 monitoring as integrated features. We are ISO 27001, SOC2 Type2, and GDPR compliant, adhering to stringent SLAs.

Whether you seek cost-optimized super performance or military-grade security, partner with us to launch your reliable, scalable Blockchain network.

one stop platform for
Developers of all kinds can build on Zeeve

Enterprises and Consortiums

Launch your own Blockchain with confidence - enterprise SLA, industry-vetted architecture, 7+ years of Blockchain experience and expertise

Web3 Startups and Developers

We understand the constraints of a startup. Get the enterprise-grade Blockchain infrastructure with Zeeve at the cost of startups

Web2 Companies and Explorers

Kickstart your web3 journey with Zeeve to avoid the challenges of navigating a new technology. Our expert resources and support will make it a breeze

Enterprises and Consortiums

Launch your own Blockchain with
confidence - enterprise SLA,
industry-vetted architecture, 7+
years of Blockchain experience and

substrate parachains

Web3 Startups and Developers

We understand the constraints of
a startup. Get the enterprise-
grade Blockchain infrastructure
with Zeeve at the cost of startups

Web2 Companies and

Kickstart your web3 journey with Zeeve to avoid the
challenges of navigating a new technology. Our
expert resources and support will make it a breeze


Bedrock Upgrade Powers OP
Chains with Modular Efficiency

Polygon CDK allows you to create bespoke ZK-powered Layer 2 solutions precisely aligned with your needs.
Engage with a network of Layer 2s and tap into a unified, expanded blockspace.


Modular Design

Bedrock’s modular design lets you easily swap out components and add new features with well-defined interfaces and versioning schemes. This flexibility means the OP Stack can seamlessly evolve with the Ethereum ecosystem.


Ethereum Compatibility

OP Stack maintains high compatibility with Ethereum and benefits from the battle-tested codebases used in production on Ethereum Mainnet. Minor tweaks, like a new fee model and faster block times (2s vs. 12s), ensure smooth integration while leveraging Ethereum’s security and reliability.


Improved Node Performance

With improved node software, Bedrock supports multiple transactions per rollup block, cutting state growth by about 15GB/year. Removing technical debt and eliminating the need for a separate data transport layer node streamlines L1 data querying, improving overall system efficiency.


Flexible Proofs

Bedrock’s proof system supports both fault and validity proofs (e.g., zk-SNARKs). This modular approach allows for adaptable security measures, ensuring that the rollup can maintain high levels of security while accommodating different proof mechanisms.

Zeeve Group

Lower Fees

Bedrock optimises data compression and eliminates L1 execution gas, significantly reducing fees. These enhancements cut costs by an additional 10% over previous versions and also bring L1 data fees to the theoretical minimum, making transactions more affordable for users.


Faster Deposits

The recent Bedrock upgrade of OP Stack support for L1 re-orgs slashes deposit confirmation times from up to 10 minutes to around 3 minutes. This improvement makes transactions faster and more user-friendly.

Use Cases

Maximize the potential of your project


Our Clients and Partners Trust us

Zeeve is trusted by 30,000+ developers & web3 startups and 30+ enterprises to build, launch
and scale Blockchain dApps, networks and consortiums.

Frequently asked questions about OP Stack

Yes, we provide expert support with all available configurations to choose from to create your perfect OP Stack Rollup. We also support customizations and additional features with native components or 3rd party partner integrations.

Yes, Zeeve provides a monitoring dashboard with 24×7 proactive monitoring of the Polygon CDK chain infrastructure, including cloud resources and zkRollup parameters. We also provide advanced analytics to help users gain insights into the performance of nodes and network infrastructure.

Yes, Zeeve provides a monitoring dashboard with 24×7 proactive monitoring of your rollup infrastructure, including cloud resources and OP rollup parameters. We also provide advanced analytics to help you gain insights into the performance of nodes and network infrastructure.

Yes. You can create both public and private chains with OP Stack. Zeeve RaaS offers high degrees of configurations, customizability, and compliance implementation choices for launching your public or private Layer2/3 Rollups using Optimism’s OP Stack.

Yes, OP Stack rollup frameworks provides the flexibility to create your own tokenomics with native gas tokens, fee structure, and incentives defined by you for your custom Rollup. Zeeve experts can help you identify the optimal configurations for your dApps.

Yes, Zeeve provides the option of a white-labeled Block Explorer for your OP rollup Chains. Zeeve’s white-labeled Block Explorer includes searching blocks, transactions, addresses, advanced token support, and smart contract verifications. The Explorer runs on the blazingly fast data indexing protocols powered by Zeeve. In addition, Zeeve offers the option to integrate any other compatible Block explorer for your OP chains.

Yes. We have a 1-click Sandbox interface that allows you to launch your custom DevNet with all middleware and integrations, like off-chain data availability with Celestia, NEAR, Availl, and Eigen Layer, Account Abstraction SDKs of Biconomy, Halliday, Pimlico, etc, Oracle services of ChainLink, RedStone, on/off-ramping of MoonPay, developer tools of ThirdWeb and many more. 

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Public, permissioned, or staking nodes – in the cloud or on-premise with enterprise grade security and monitoring. Use our ready plugins and APIs for decentralized
Public, permissioned, or staking nodes – in the cloud or on-premise with enterprise grade security and
monitoring. Use our ready plugins and APIs for decentralized
Launching your own Blockchain is
now Quick and Easy with Zeeve

Configurable and Robust No-Code platform

ISO27001 & SOC2 Type 2 Compliant

Free Training & Support

Launching your own Blockchain is now Quick and Easy with Zeeve

Configurable and Robust No-Code platform

ISO27001 & SOC2 Type 2 Compliant

Free Training & Support

Launching your own Blockchain is now Quick and Easy with Zeeve

Configurable and Robust No-Code platform

ISO27001 & SOC2 Type 2 Compliant

Free Training & Support