Zeeve Adds Validator Node Support For Harmony Protocol
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Harmony and Zeeve

Leveraging Zeeve’s most recent upgrade to Harmony validator node support, web3 investors and institutions can securely run validators on the Harmony blockchain ecosystem for maximized yields and industry-leading security while mitigating the node’s performance-related risks.

Zeeve is excited to announce validator node support for the Harmony blockchain on the platform’s robust node infrastructure platform. This new addition enables users to deploy Harmony staking nodes in minutes with a few clicks. 

Harmony is a next-generation, highly secured, fast, and scalable proof-of-stake blockchain running on the top of the Ethereum ecosystem. The network aims to power the development of advanced decentralized applications and custom smart contracts. As an open and blazing-fast blockchain, Harmony achieves 2-second block finality by utilizing 4 shards with 250 nodes for each, 25.3K on-chain delegators, and 60% downtime slashing. 

With Zeeve’s recent integration of Harmony validator nodes on our enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure management interface, investors and web3 institutions can quickly deploy their staking nodes on the Harmony ecosystem for maximized yield and active participation in advancing the network’s performance and security. 

Harmony- Powering scalability, security, and decentralization into the blockchain 

Harmony is an open-source and fast blockchain architectured to solve blockchain’s scalability trilemma while providing a highly secure and dynamic ecosystem for decentralized applications. Harmony is among the first production mainnet to support a fully shared proof-of-stake architecture that provides an energy-efficient and low-cost blockchain ecosystem for node runners, offering 2-second transaction finality and 100x lower fees than similar blockchains. 

Harmony implements a sharding process to accommodate instant block finalization through its ecosystem. Harmony supports 4 shards, each of 250 nodes (total of 1000 nodes), to offer 2-seconds block finality. The process of Electing validators for these shards is called Effective Proof-of-Stake, a sharding-focused consensus mechanism ensuring all shards remain equally secure. Validators for all shards are assigned through random shuffling to maintain an unpredictable, unbiased, and verifiable algorithm. Validators holding a large amount of staked tokens are authorized to run more staking nodes and contribute to strengthening the network, whereas validators with less amount of staked tokens will run fewer validator nodes

The validator-focused token economics at Harmony incentivizes early stakers with excellent rewards for their participation in validating the blocks, streamlining the consensus process, and thus helping the network bootstrap successfully. A validator on Harmony can be anyone, from investors to web3 institutions, whoever seeks to maximize their yield as a validator on this blockchain. As for stability, Harmony has been scaling fast, with its attributes being fast, robust, and easy to innovate. Harmony’s validators, therefore, can remain assured about long-term staking benefits and maximized return on their staked tokens.

Zeeve: The Ideal Platform for Your Harmony Validator Nodes

Tap into the potential of Zeeve’s powerful, fully secured node infrastructure to streamline your staking node deployment on the Harmony blockchain. Nodes on Zeeve are monitored and managed by web3 experts having extensive experience supervising node deployment on various blockchains. Discover the benefits that Zeeve provides for your Harmony staking:

Secure validator nodes

Zeeve allows anyone to run their white-labeled validator nodes easily on the Harmony Blockchain with aggressive monitoring round-the-clock. Our experts take care of all the operational requirements to ensure your node is always active, synchronized, and updated, allowing investors and institutions to confidently stake with Zeeve-managed node infrastructure built and managed by globally trusted blockchain experts. 

Non-custodial staking

Zeeve platform supports purely non-custodial staking in which validators have complete control and ownership of their staked funds, wallets, and, most importantly, their private keys. We provide a secure and scalable node infrastructure without accessing your keys or other sensitive data. 

Institutional-Grade Infrastructure 

Zeeve’s node infrastructure is designed to offer the highest level of resilience, availability, and staking integrity. We ensure that your validator nodes are always up and running, thus tackling the risks related to network slashing and poor performance. Additionally, the proprietary architecture guarantees you the most cost-optimized, top-notch performance. 

Granular analytics & 24*7 monitoring

Zeeve offers 24*7 monitoring of your validator nodes, cloud resources, and logs. Our statistical dashboard provides easy access to staking parameters and node performance-related insights, accompanied by real-time alerts and notifications to keep validators informed about potential issues and risks in advance.

About Zeeve

Zeeve is the leading web3 infrastructure provider in the world. Zeeve provides enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure, including full nodes and staking infrastructure for 40+ Blockchain protocols. Zeeve’s robust and highly dependable web3 infrastructure platform has won the trust of thousands of web3 startups and investors across geographies. With 23,000+ developers, 100+ large enterprises, and 4000+ nodes, Zeeve is the preferred developer and staking infrastructure provider for all the popular Blockchain protocols.

Need more information on Harmony Staking Nodes? Want to learn more about how we can help? Connect with us today and see how Zeeve can simplify your validator node deployment experience.


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