Zeeve Adds Validator Node Support For Arbitrum Nova Protocol
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Arbitrum Nova and Zeeve

Zeeve is thrilled to announce its validator node support for the Arbitrum Nova blockchain. With this new addition, institutions and investors can securely run validators on the network and participate in advancing the state of the chain while maximizing their yields. 

Zeeve is excited to add validator node support for Arbitrum Nova, a layer-2 decentralized network explicitly designed for blockchain projects with cost-sensitive and high transaction volumes, into its node deployment infrastructure to facilitate rapid validator node deployment within a few minutes. 

Arbitrum Nova is an EVM-compatible blockchain scaling solution built and deployed on the AnyTrust technology to increase transaction throughput while significantly reducing gas costs. Arbitrum Nova offers a range of exceptional features, such as allowing users to mint assets on-chain at high frequency, powers NFT ecosystems with high volume requirements, and supports projects open for off-chain data storage. Such attributes make Nova perfect for gaming projects, social applications, and blockchain dApps, as these require higher transaction volume, scalability, and increased throughput. 

With this recent integration, Zeeve enables investors and institutions to seamlessly deploy and run reliable validator nodes on a secure web3 infrastructure that ensures high performance, uptime, and integrity of all nodes and thereby maximizes their staking yield while advancing the network’s performance securely through participation in the protocol’s proof-of-stake consensus

Arbitrum Nova: AnyTrust Chain with high security and scalability 

As the first chain deployed on AnyTrust, Arbitrum Nova uses a one-of-a-kind technology— Arbitrum AnyTrust, to address scalability issues in the blockchain along with facilitating low-cost transactions, high-end security, and industry-leading speed. Having full Ethereum compatibility, Nova allows developers to use Ethereum-based blockchain frameworks, libraries, technology stacks, ecosystem tools, and wallets for development purposes. This interoperability enhances the feasibility of Arbitrum Nova more than ever as developers build custom dApps on Nova’s full-fledged ecosystem; meanwhile, they leverage resources and tools from ready-to-use tools. 

Arbitrum Nova is analogous to Arbitrum AnyTrust- another chain that runs parallel to Nova for empowering developers on full blockchain utilization. Nova supports the development of cost-sensitive blockchain use cases requiring heavy-volume transactions, including gaming and community projects Arbitrum AnyTrust, which continues to be a home for NFT and DeFi projects. 

The network has migrated to the Nitro stack for a while, and it shares a codebase with Nitro, enabling industry-leading security, unparalleled transaction speed, and complete Ethereum interoperability. Additionally, Nova empowers the creation of new blockchain primitives to strengthen the existing security layer and facilitate futuristic blockchain use cases. Nova has support from some big players across web2 and web3, including Concensys, Reddit, Offchain Labs, and Google Cloud.

Because of all these features, Arbitrum Nova continues to scale and expand its ecosystem, providing excellent opportunities for web3 investors. Validators on Arbitrum Nova earn staking rewards in the form of Nova’s native tokens; ARB is basically the yield on their staked assets provided to validators for validating the transactions, committing new blocks, and helping the network achieve consensus.

Also, validators are authorized to vote in the network’s crucial decisions related to operations, tools add-ons, modification in existing architecture, and integrations to other protocols. Another best part, validators on Nova receive a stable annual percentage of yield which remains the same despite value fluctuations in ARB (Nova’s native currency).

Zeeve: The Ideal Platform for your Arbitrum Nova Validator nodes

Zeeve offers a powerful web3 infrastructure platform to deploy and manage your Arbitrum Nova validator nodes with quick, no-code deployment, high-end security, and proactive monitoring for all your nodes and networks. Leverage Zeeve’s enterprise-grade staking infrastructure to run Nova validator nodes smoothly in an error-prone and no-complex environment. 

Secure Validator Nodes

Zeeve allows investors and organizations to run their white-labeled validator nodes for Arbitrum Nova while maintaining excellent uptime with aggressive monitoring. Leveraging our powerful node infrastructure, validators walk away from the stress of staying online, juggling with improper node synchronization, and up-to-date so that they are staking confidently.

Non-custodial Staking 

Zeeve platform facilitates non-custodial staking, allowing validators to maintain full control and ownership of their fund through their wallet. Users do not need to worry about the safety of private keys or the wallet balance as Zeeve never accesses these resources and the associated information. Validators continue to control their staking nodes, and Zeeve manages the underlying infrastructure. 

Institutional-Grade Node Infrastructure

Node infrastructure on Zeeve offers maximum resilience, availability, and validator integrity. We ensure that your staking nodes are always up and running with no risks of slashing and performance downtime. Besides, our proprietary structure allows your nodes to leverage cost-optimized performance.

Vital analytics & 24*7 Monitoring 

Zeeve actively monitors your validator nodes, cloud solutions, and logs. We anticipate and prevent node failure before it goes down. You can track all the pertinent surveillance metrics and alert parameters on a graphical dashboard that shows real-time performance alerts and notifications. Our proprietary architecture ensures your nodes are monitored regardless of frequent node addition and diversification.

About Zeeve 

Zeeve is the leading web3 infrastructure provider in the world. Zeeve provides enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure, including full nodes and staking infrastructure for 40+ Blockchain protocols. Zeeve’s robust and reliable web3 infrastructure platform has won the trust of thousands of web3 startups and investors across geographies. With 23,000+ developers, 100+ large enterprises and 4000+ nodes, Zeeve is the preferred developer and staking infrastructure provider for all the popular Blockchain protocols.

Need more information on Arbitrum Nova Staking Nodes? Want to learn more about how we can help? Connect with us today and see how Zeeve can simplify your Validator node deployment experience.


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