Zeeve RaaS stack adds support for Arbitrum Orbit
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Zeeve and Arbitrum Orbit

Zeeve is excited to announce the integration of Arbitrum Nitro technology via Arbitrum Orbit into our Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) offering. This will equip enterprises, dApp developers, and web3 startups with essential Optimistic Rollup (OPR) infrastructure. This added support will power faster deployment and efficient management of L2/L3 Orbit chains, backed by Zeeve’s robust infrastructure, advanced automation tools, and continuous monitoring.

In a nutshell, Arbitrum Orbit is the permissionless path for launching customized, dedicated chains. These chains are deployable, configurable forks of Arbitrum’s L2 Nitro technology stack and have security anchored in Ethereum. They benefit from the same EVM+ compatibility with Stylus, Arbitrum’s upgraded programming environment that adds smart contract support for languages like Rust, C, and C++. Each Orbit Chain can be tailored precisely to its owner’s need with custom throughput, gas tokens, governance, permissioned access control, and modular data availability solutions. 

With the added support for Arbitrum Orbit within the Zeeve platform, users will now have more options for launching scalable AppChain infrastructure. This tends to benefit the vast Zeeve community of over 28,000 users and 40+ institutions already on the platform, along with all who want to leverage the Arbitrum ecosystem for their application specific blockchain. 

“We’re truly excited about enhancing the capabilities of the Arbitrum Orbit ecosystem. “The flexibility to launch a modular rollup chain has become critical in the current scenario.  Orbit allows you to do just that, allowing the creation of customized chains that inherit security from Ethereum but with more control over the chain’s features and governance. Using Orbit on top of Zeeve RaaS makes it easy for businesses to capture the maximized value from the framework. Deployments that would traditionally require extensive engineering resources can now be executed efficiently with just a few clicks through our Rollups-as-a-Service.” 

Dr. Ravi Chamria

co-founder and CEO of Zeeve

“Arbitrum Orbit chains allow projects to cater their technology offering directly to the needs of their communities. “Zeeve has sought after experience in blockchain deployment, and adding Orbit capabilities into their suite of services will continue to propel the adoption of blockchain technology and simplify the process for developers looking for a customizable chain.”

Nina Rong

Head of Ecosystem Development at Arbitrum Foundation

Additionally, Zeeve’s integrated partner ecosystem further enhances Rollups capabilities with easy integration of interoperability protocols, decentralized oracles, account abstraction SDKs, and various tools. 

For more information, visit our Arbitrum Orbit page. If you are planning to launch an Orbit chain, connect with us. Our expert team can help you figure out what infrastructure might better suit your needs. 


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