Zeeve integrates Biconomy’s Account Abstraction SDK in its modular RaaS stack
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Zeeve, the leading Rollups-as-a-service(RaaS) platform, and Biconomy, an account abstraction toolkit provider, announced a partnership to enable effortless user onboarding and the simplest UX for rollups and appchains

Account abstraction is a standard that unlocks the power of smart contract wallets or smart accounts on the blockchain. It operates right on top of the blockchain layer, offering a host of UX benefits like multi-user operation, two-factor authentication, and pre-approved transactions, all without needing any changes to the blockchain itself.

By joining forces, web3 builders and enterprises will be able to leverage the power of Biconomy’s Account Abstraction stack and Zeeve’s low-code platform to create seamless blockchain experiences. Zeeve will make it easier to launch performant, modular Optimistic, and ZK rollups while maintaining cheap transactions, higher security, and limitless customizability. 

“Rollups today don’t have working native account abstraction. Rollups help businesses achieve higher transaction throughput, which is essential for mainstream blockchain adoption. But another key component that needs to be integrated with it to mimic the familiar web2 kind of experiences for blockchain apps is Account abstraction modules. Our partnership with Biconomy enables us to bring these capabilities to developers using Zeeve for their optimistic and zero-knowledge rollup deployments.”

Dr Ravi Chamria

Co-founder and CEO of Zeeve

This partnership allows businesses and developers to enhance their UX with new features such as social login, gasless transactions, fiat on-ramps, and batched transactions, available through Biconomy’s AA SDK. 

“By leveraging Zeeve’s RaaS, & plugging in Biconomy’s AA into their stack, dApps can offer a web2-like experience. Zeeve ensures that transactions are fast and super cheap. Thus, dApps can easily budget to sponsor the user’s gas & offer a gasless UX by leveraging our paymasters. dApps can also leverage Biconomy Smart Accounts to enable login with socials, 1 click UX, remove annoying wallet pop-ups & more!” 

Aniket Jindal

Co-founder of Biconomy

The Biconomy account abstraction SDK is designed as a plug-in component of Zeeve’s modular rollup stack, allowing for easy integration by developer teams.

Additionally, Zeeve’s integrated partner ecosystem includes various protocols and tools such as interoperability protocols, decentralized oracles, data availability layers, sequencing services, and various tools. These are intended to augment the capabilities of sovereign rollups on the Zeeve platform. Also, the platform offers a 1-click Sandbox tool for developers to experiment with app-specific rollups.


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