Zeeve Adds Validator Node Support For TON Blockchain
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Zeeve is excited to announce its validator node support for the TON protocol. With this new addition, institutions and investors can now securely  run a validator node on the network and maximize yields.

Zeeve adds support for your white-labeled Ton validator node, allowing users to benefit from running a validator Ton node in just a few clicks and without having to manage the technical complexities.

Telegram has developed a completely decentralized layer-1 blockchain, TON, to bring billions of users onboard. This blockchain offers ultra-fast transactions, negligible fees, user-friendly apps, and is eco-friendly.

With Zeeve’s enterprise-grade web 3 infrastructure management service,  enterprises and investors can deploy reliable TON validator nodes for maximized yields by participating in the TON network.

TON – Exploring the Key Features of Telegram’s Blockchain Platform.

The TON Blockchain, also known as the The Open Network, is a blockchain platform that is developed by Telegram. It is designed to address some of the limitations of existing blockchain networks, such as scalability, speed, and ease of use.

TON Blockchain based on the “Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) provides security even in the presence of malicious actors. Any individual can be a validator and maximize yields for supporting network security. Those who wish to become validators of Toncoin can do so by using open-source software. By staking a fixed amount of Toncoin for a certain period of time, validators will be rewarded with interest once the current validation round is completed.

It allows for high-speed transaction processing, with the platform being able to handle over millions of transactions per second (TPS). This high throughput is achieved through the use of a multi-blockchain architecture that allows for parallel processing of transactions across multiple chains.

One unique aspect of the TON Blockchain is its integration with the Telegram messaging app. This integration allows users to easily and securely send and receive cryptocurrency directly within the app. It also allows for the creation of decentralized services within the app, such as file storage and sharing.

All these features combined make TON a good choice for investors and institutions looking for a high-performance blockchain network.

Why Zeeve for Your TON validator nodes:

Maximize your success with Zeeve’s enterprise-grade staking infrastructure for the The Open Network (TON). Enjoy a smoother and more seamless validator node deployment with the robust and comprehensive solutions that Zeeve provides. Discover all that Zeeve can do to support your TON staking node now!

Secure Validator Nodes

Zeeve makes it easy for anyone to run their own white-labeled validator nodes for TON with round-the-clock security monitoring. We take away the stress of staying online, in sync, and up-to-date so that investors and institutions can stake with assurance using validator nodes expertly built and maintained by one of the top blockchain infrastructure teams.

Non-Custodial Wallets

We are a non-custodial platform. It means validators maintain full control and ownership of their funds at all times. The Zeeve platform will not have access to the user’s private key, nor will it hold any user funds. You control your own dedicated staking nodes while we manage the underlying infrastructure.

Institutional-Grade Infrastructure

Zeeve’s infrastructure is designed for maximum resilience, uptime, and validator-grade integrity. We ensure that your validator nodes are always active, thereby eliminating any risk of slashing or performance. Our specialized deployment architecture keeps the TON network secure and unbreachable.

Vital Analytics and 24×7 Monitoring

Zeeve provides 24×7 resource monitoring for your staking nodes, cloud resources, and logs. Get easy access to vital staking parameters and node performance using our graphical dashboard with proactive alerts and notifications.

We believe that our combination of no-code deployment, institution-grade uptime, performance, in-depth analytics, and a unified dashboard for monitoring all resources make Zeeve a standout option for institutions looking to deploy and manage validator nodes on TON.

About Zeeve

Zeeve is the leading web3 infrastructure provider in the world. Zeeve provides enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure including full nodes and staking infrastructure for 40+ Blockchain protocols. Zeeve’s robust and reliable web3 infrastructure platform has won the trust of thousands of web3 startups and investors across geographies. With 23,000+ developers, 100+ large enterprises and 4000+ nodes, TON is the preferred provider of developer and staking infrastructure for all the popular Blockchain protocols

Need more information on TON Staking Nodes? Want to learn more about how we can help? Connect with us today and see how Zeeve can simplify your Staking node deployment experience.


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