Zeeve Adds Validator Nodes Support for Cronos Chain
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Zeeve and Cronos

Now effortlessly deploy validator nodes on Cronos using Zeeve’s robust institutional staking infrastructure for maximized yields, reinforced security, and minimized performance-related risks.

Zeeve is thrilled to add support for white-labeled Cronos validator nodes into our platform, enabling users to deploy validator nodes on Cronos with just a few clicks.

Cronos is an EVM compatible innovative L1 powered by Ethermint and built with Cosmos SDK. Designed to support a wide range of applications within the blockchain ecosystem, Cronos delivers unparalleled performance through features such as rapid transaction throughput, quick finality, and minimal transaction fees, making it an ideal choice for those seeking an advanced, secure, and user-friendly platform for their blockchain ventures.

By integrating support for Cronos Chain validator nodes on the Zeeve platform, we enable  institutions and individual investors to effortlessly participate in the network as validators, reaping greater rewards while also bolstering the security and decentralization of the blockchain.

Cronos: A High-Performance and Interoperable Blockchain Ecosystem

Cronos Chain is an innovative and rapidly growing blockchain network, provides exceptional features, making it a popular choice for developers and users alike.

Built on Ethermint and the Cosmos SDK, Cronos Chain bridges the gap between the Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystems, reaping the advantages of both worlds. Its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) enables seamless migration of applications and smart contracts from Ethereum and other EVM-compatible chains.

Designed for speed, affordability, and security, Cronos Chain delivers high transaction throughput (ranging from hundreds to thousands of transactions per second), quick transaction finality (approximately 5-6 seconds), and minimal transaction fees (from a cent to several dimes). The Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) algorithm ensures the network can withstand up to 1/3 of node failures while detecting and preventing malicious behavior.

Additionally, Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) on Cronos facilitates interaction with IBC-enabled Cosmos SDK-based blockchains like Cosmos Hub and Osmosis. This cross-chain communication protocol opens up a wealth of opportunities, including asset transfers and cross-chain execution.

Lastly, Cronos Chain’s unique consensus mechanism is another valuable addition to its technical offerings. Built on top of Tendermint’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the consensus maintains security through a range of experienced and carefully-vetted validators, ensuring a robust and secure network.

These combined features position Cronos Chain as an enticing choice for developers, investors, and institutions seeking an innovative and scalable blockchain network.

Zeeve: The Ideal Platform for Your Cronos Validator Nodes

Maximize the potential of Zeeve’s enterprise-grade staking infrastructure to streamline your validator node deployment on Cronos Chain. Discover the benefits Zeeve offers for Cronos Staking Nodes:

Secure Validator Nodes

Zeeve empowers users to run their own white-labeled validator nodes with continuous security monitoring. We take care of all your requirements, ensuring your nodes remain online, synchronized, and up-to-date. Investors and institutions can stake confidently with Zeeve-managed validator nodes, developed and maintained by top blockchain infrastructure experts.

Non-custodial Staking

As a non-custodial staking infrastructure platform. It means validators retain complete control and ownership of their funds at all times. Zeeve will not access users’ private keys or hold any user funds. You maintain control over your dedicated staking node while we manage the underlying infrastructure.

Institutional-Grade Node Infrastructure

Zeeve’s infrastructure is crafted for maximum reliability, uptime, and validator integrity. We guarantee that your validator nodes remain perpetually active, mitigating any slashing or performance-related risks. Our proprietary deployment architecture ensures the most cost-efficient performance.

Vital Analytics & 24*7 Monitoring

Zeeve provides round-the-clock monitoring for your staking nodes, cloud resources, and logs. Enjoy easy access to essential staking parameters and node performance via our visual dashboard, complete with proactive alerts and notifications.

We are confident that our blend of no-code deployment, institutional-grade uptime, performance, comprehensive analytics, and a unified dashboard for resource monitoring make Zeeve the ideal choice for institutions looking to deploy and manage validator nodes on Cronos Chain.

About Zeeve

Zeeve is the leading web3 infrastructure provider in the world. Zeeve provides enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure including full nodes and staking infrastructure for 40+ Blockchain protocols. Zeeve’s robust and reliable web3 infrastructure platform has won the trust of thousands of web3 startups and investors across geographies. With 23,000+ developers, 100+ large enterprises and 4000+ nodes, Zeeve is the preferred provider of developer and staking infrastructure for all the popular Blockchain protocols.

Need more information on Cronos staking nodes? Want to learn more about how we can help? Connect with us today and see how Zeeve can simplify your staking node deployment experience.


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