Hyperledger Fabric Developer
We are looking for a Hyperledger Fabric Developer with experience of 2 or more years with the ability to create and maintain stable and efficient chaincodes, networks, and web API’s for interaction.

About job

We are looking for a Hyperledger Fabric Developer with experience of 2 or more years with the ability to create and maintain stable and efficient chaincodes, networks, and web API’s for interaction.
Work Type
Full Time

Working with us

We are a group of Blockchain, DLT & IOT developers and deployment enthusiast. We have been testing & trying different blockchain protocols since the very inception of them. It is our effort & enthusiasm which has taken us to many hackathons, events and also toward giving shape to several enterprise product ideas. It is during those hackathons, we realised the need to focus on development & innovation while some automations is taking care of the deployment and updates.


Strong proficiency with JavaScript, Typescript and HTTP
Should be able to create chaincode in either Javascript / Typescript / Go Lang
Should be able to work on Node JS v10 and above
Able to handle block, transaction events from Fabric network
Good knowledge of cryptography concepts
Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git
Should be able to work on Linux environment
Should be able to work with Docker or other container technology
Should be proficient in any one traditional database technology like MySQL, Mongo, etc.
Able to update work status on task management platforms like Jira


Creating stable, consistent, and efficient Chaincode in either Javascript / Typescript / Go Lang
Creating Chaincode test cases for chaincode functions
Creating functions to create and manage users which are managed by Fabric CA
Creating Web API’s for blockchain interaction in NodeJS platform
Creating functions to update off-chain database based on the blockchain events
Containerizing of the applications
Creating test suites for Web API’s
Document the technical aspects of application

What We Offer:

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